As a process, we hold onto mail for 30 days before it is queued to be shredded. You can keep an eye out for upcoming shred dates by looking out for an email with the subject line "Action Required in your Stable mailroom for the week of ___."
After 30 days, your mail will enter the Shred Processing state.
We then hold onto mail for hold onto items for an extra 7 days from the time it enters the "shred processing" state to give customers time to realize.
If your mail is less than 37 days old, email us at [email protected] and we can recover the mail for you.
If your mail is more than 37 days old, it's moved to be ready for bulk shredding and is unrecoverable at that point.
If you want to make sure your mail is automatically forwarded or scanned, we'd recommend checking out some of our Automations (under Settings) to ensure that you don't miss anything.